Duck! A successful first dodge.

Came across an picture that was not perfect from the outset and had to dodge it. I don’t know how I could have let such a thing happen, but I’ll have to send the blame externally to the poorly lit stairwell at the Franklin Institute. It’s not my fault I wasn’t supposed to be there (hee, hee). To my keen-eyed credit (how humble, I know) I had a long streak of not needing to dodge any of my pictures, even though most of my classmates have been dodging since week 2 “How do Burn/Dodge”.

Here is the pre-dodged photo.

Pendulum at the Franklin Institute 1

Below is the dodged version, drastically lightening up that staircase.

Pendulum at the Franklin Institute 2

Quite proud that it doesn’t even have a line or other tell-tale sign of the alteration. I have to admit though, I have a slight leaning towards the pre-dodged Poe version.

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